Polegate Station

Polegate Station

Train travel to Polegate guide

Which train companies run trains to Polegate?

Depending on when you travel, you should find services run to and from Polegate provided by the following: London Overground, Thameslink, Gatwick Express and Southern. Journey duration and price can vary depending on who you travel with so it's always worth checking when booking.

What are Polegate's opening hours?

Polegate generally operates between 0:02 and 23:58. However, hours may vary, so please confirm before traveling.

Pick up & drop off at Polegate

Polegate has a designated car park, pick-up and drop-off point, offering passengers a seamless beginning or ending to their journey.

Connectivity of the Polegate?

Trains to and from Polegate connect easily to popular destinations like London, London Victoria, Eastbourne, Gatwick Airport and Croydon. Buses and taxis are also readily accessible from the station to help you complete your journey. Use our train finder to get the best options for your trip.

Polegate Live Timetable

Our live timetable provides real-time information about train schedules and services for passengers traveling to and from Polegate. Check it now to plan your next journey.

  • Departures

  • Arrivals

TrainTimePlatformTrain OperatorStatus
Polegate to Ore17:092Southern
On time
Polegate to London Victoria17:121Southern
On time
Polegate to Eastbourne17:302Southern
On time
Polegate to Brighton17:371Southern
On time
Polegate to Eastbourne17:392Southern
On time
TrainTimePlatformTrain OperatorStatus
Ore to Polegate16:202Southern
On time
Brighton to Polegate16:558Southern
On time
Ore to Polegate16:512Southern
On time
London Victoria to Polegate16:2418Southern
On time
Eastbourne to Polegate17:333Southern
On time

Station Details

Address: Polegate station, High Street, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 6AQ




Bicycle rental

Bicycle rental

Bicycle parking

Bicycle parking

Sheltered storage

CCTV at storage area

Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi



Cards and coins

Post box

Post box



Seating facilities

Seating facilities

First class lounge

Seating area

Waiting room



Tourist information office

Tourist information office



Ticket Office

Ticket buying and collection

Ticket office open

Ticket machine

Use Oyster cards

Oyster top-up


Transport links

Bus service

Car park


Metro service

Accessibility and mobility access

Customer help point


Accessible ticket machine

Ramp for train access

Accessible toilet


General Services Information

Customer support

Left luggage

Lost property

Currency exchange